Adding a Pod to the Pod Container

The last piece of the jigsaw is adding the Pod to the Pod-Container. We will use the wizard provided in the Administrator application. We must login to the Administrator application, so we will need the username and password assigned to this application. When we have logged in we must open the admin wizard by...

  1. Selecting the Administration Workspace section
  2. Selecting the User Interface tab
  3. Selecting Personalized Pod Pages

When the Personalized Pod Pages tab loads we can see the MyPodContainer page that we created in Chapter 2 in the list of Personal Pages. Selecting edit will open the wizard for maintaining our Personal Page. The first step lists all the Pods available for selection. In this list we find our Pod 'HelloWorld!'. Select the Pod and click next on the remaining steps finally saving the record. We have now added our Pod to our Pod Container. Log out of the Administrator application and log into the application that contains the Pod page.