Creating the selections

The next step is adding the selected values. In most cases you will want this to be the last saved selections. We can retrieve these values because they are saved for each filter every time a save action occurs on the container. The PodLoader class provides a getPodFilterById(...) which will return the selected values for each Pod filter.

Figure 1. Retrieving the saved selections and adding them to the Pod filter
031      Node genreSelectionNode = 
032        getPodFilterById(PODTYPE.MYFAVMOVIES, "genre", document);
034      // Convert the Node to an ArrayList.
035      ArrayList<String> selectedGenres = 
036       PodFilter.convertSelectionsNodeToArrayList(genreSelectionNode);
038      // Create a default genre selection.
039      if (selectedGenres.isEmpty()){
040        selectedGenres.add("all");
041      }
042      choices.addSelection(selectedGenres.get(0));

On line 32 we use the getPodFiltersById(...) method to return the saved selections for the 'genre' filter on the 'MYFAVMOVIES' Pod. The values are returned as a Node object in the raw format that they were encoded and stored as. The PodFilter.converSelectionsNodeToArrayList(Node) utility is used to convert the values into a list of String values. On line 42 we add the selected value, in this case it is the only value returned in the array.