Foreign Key Tab

The Foreign Key tab offers a tab to allow for the definition and maintenance of a foreign key's name and mappings. This tab is visible on the Properties View of a Foreign Key relationship.

The Name field is used to manage the foreign key name and manipulates the label entry on the General Tab.

The Table contains two columns; child and parent and these columns indicate the direction of the foreign key and name the entities on either end of the relationship. The table serves as a widget to edit the foreign key mappings which are stored on the appropriate role fields on the General tab.

Rows on the table relate to the mappings in the foreign key where a entry in the child column will be mapped to an entry in the parent column. The entry in the row can be selected by utilizing a drop-down on the row which lists the applicable attributes for that entity. Rows can be removed by setting the drop-down to blank and can be re-ordered using the 'Move up' and 'Move down' buttons on the right of the table.