Extension to Broken Reference Resolution

To account for this possibility of references being broken during a product upgrade and avoid the requirement for manual intervention, an extension to the Rational -provided resource resolution process is provided. This extension requires a map of the previous model's IDs is extracted and then is used to resolve references in the current model. This map is processed to look up the broken ID and determine the qualified name of what it was previously referring to and from this resolve the breakage through discovery of the id in the new model for the qualified name found.

As the map needs to be extracted from the previous model an export option has been introduced into Rational Software Architect which should be run against the previous model and it should be called as follows:

  1. Navigate toFile > Export > Curam > Qualified Name Map
  2. Select the project to export e.g. EJBServer.
  3. Browse to a location to save the file.
  4. ClickingFinish will invoke the export process.

The output of this task is a model map that needs to be referenced when opening a new upgraded model.

To reference the map a Preference page is used within Rational Software Architect as follows:

  1. Navigate toWindow > Preferences > Curam > Qualified Name Map
  2. Browse to the map created earlier.