Milestone Configuration

The process class which supports the business process MilestoneConfiguration is Product.

Table 1. Summary of MilestoneConfiguration Methods
Method Description
cancelMilestoneConfiguration This method sets the status of a milestone configuration to canceled.
createMilestoneConfiguration This method creates a milestone configuration record. The milestone type of a milestone configuration must be unique.
listMilestoneConfigurationsForCaseType This method lists all active and canceled milestone configuration records.
modifyMilestoneConfiguration Modifies the details of a milestone configuration record.
readMilestoneConfiguration Reads the details for a milestone configuration record.
addInvestigationCaseExistingMilestone This method adds a set of existing milestones to the investigation case.
createInvestigationCaseMilestone This method creates a new milestone configuration and then creates the link between the milestone and the investigation case.
listMilestone This method lists all the milestones which are currently associated with a particular product.
listUnassociatedMilestone Lists all the active milestones not already associated with a particular product.
removeMilestone This method removes the link between a milestone and a product.
cancelApprovalCheckForInvestigation This method allows an administrator to cancel an Investigation Approval Check for a particular investigation.
getComponentList This method returns a list of components based on the component base type. This method works on a hook mechanism and is based on the component base type which is being passed to it.
getSubComponentList This method returns a list of sub components based on the component base type. The list of sub components retrieved is also handled by a hook mechanism which is driven by the component base type.
addInvestigationCaseExistingMilestoneWithConfig This method adds a set of existing milestones to the investigation case along with configuration details such as component category, component type, creation event and completion event.
modifyMilestoneLinkAssociation This method modifies associated configuration details such as creation event, completion event, component type and sub component type for the milestone link.