Maintain Waiver Approval Request

The process class which supports the business process MilestoneConfiguration is ProductDelivery.

Table 1. Summary of MaintainWaiverApprovalRequest Methods
Method Description
readMilestoneDeliveryDetails This method reads milestone details such as expected start date and end date administratively configured for the milestone.
createWaiverApprovalRequest This method allows users to create a waiver request for a milestone and submit it for the approval. It also checks whether the manual approval is required or not based on case supervisor or milestone approval checks. If not required it approves the waiver request automatically.
listMilestoneWaiverRequests This method lists all the waivers requested for a milestone along with the status whether it is in submit status or approved or rejected.
readMilestoneWaiverRequests This method reads the details of waiver request.
approveWaiver This method allows to approve the waiver request. It also checks the date validations and whether the approver has the supervisor privilege to approve the waiver or checks he approval check for a user or for user belonging to a organization and which has approval check.
modifyAndApprove This method allows system to modify the waiver request details and approve the waiver request. It also checks the date validations and whether the approver has the supervisor privilege to approve the waiver or checks the approval check for a user or for user belonging to a organization and which has approval check.
rejectWaiver This method allows to reject the waiver request. It also checks the date validations and whether the logged in user has the supervisor privilege to reject the waiver.
readExpStartAndEndDate This method reads the expected start date and end date of a waiver request.
readWaiverIndicatorDetails This method will set a boolean parameter to true only when the Expected Time Frame indicator is set to true and if Waiver Required indicator is set to false in the Administration application for a milestone. Based on this boolean value the user will be allowed to change the Expected Start and End Date at the client side.
modifyMilestoneForWaiver This method is used to modify the milestone delivery details