Milestone Delivery

MILESTONEDELIVERY entity is focused on the addition of a milestone to any type of case, e.g., service plan, product delivery.

Table 1. Summary of MILESTONEDELIVERY Entity Fields
Entity Field Description
milestoneDeliveryID Unique identifier assigned by the system to this milestone record. This field is mandatory.
milestoneConfigurationID Unique identifier of the milestone configuration on which this milestone is based. This field is mandatory.
caseID Unique identifier of the case to which this milestone has been added. This field is mandatory.
ownerUserName Unique identifier of the user who is the milestone owner. This field is mandatory.
expectedStartDate Date on which the milestone is expected to start. This field is mandatory.
expectedEndDate Date on which the milestone is expected to end. This field is mandatory.
actualStartDate Date on which the milestone started.
actualEndDate Date on which the milestone ended.
comments General remarks entered by a user.
status Status of this milestone i.e. Not Started, In Progress or Completed. This field is mandatory.
createdBySystem Indicates whether this milestone delivery is system generated record. This field is mandatory.
relatedID Identifier which relates the instance of a milestone to a component category or a component type of a case instance.