Milestone Configuration

MILESTONECONFIGURATION entity is focused on the administration of milestones within the Administration component. A milestone can be associated with one or more types of cases or service plans. This entity contains the following fields:

Table 1. Summary of MILESTONECONFIGURATION Entity Fields
Entity Field Description
milestoneConfigurationID Unique reference number assigned by the system to the milestone configuration record.
name Name of the milestone. This field is mandatory.
type Type of the milestone. This field is mandatory.
earliestStartDay The earliest number of days after the service plan or case start date that this milestone can start. This field is mandatory.
duration Indicates how long this milestone should take to complete(this is used to calculate the expected end date of a milestone unless the milestone has been added as part of a service plan template in which case the duration on the template supersedes this value). This field is mandatory.
startDate The date on which this milestone configuration becomes effective.This field is mandatory.
endDate The date on which this milestone configuration will expire.
addedEvent Indicates the event to be raised when a milestone of this type is added to a case or service plan
expctdStDateEvent Indicates the event to be raised when the expected start date of the milestone has been reached and it's status is Not Started.
expctdEndDateEvent Indicates the event to be raised when the expected end date of the milestone has been reached and it's status is Not Started or In Progress.
completeEvent Indicates the event to be raised when the status of the milestone is Completed i.e. The actual end date has been entered and the status is Complete.
creationDate The date on which this milestone was created.
comments General remarks entered by a user.
waiverRequired Indicates if an approved waiver is required in order to modify the automatically created milestone delivery by system.
waiverAllowed Indicates if a user can modify the Expected Start Date or Expected End Date of an milestone delivery that has been automatically created by the system.
commentsTextID Unique Identifier correspoding to localized TextID of milestone comments.
nameTextID Unique Identifier correspoding to localized TextID of name.
recordStatus The status of the milestone i.e. Active or Cancelled. Logical deletion supported.
typeTextID Unique Identifier correspoding to localized TextID of Milestone type.