The Register Person Service

Register Person gathers the information required to create a person in the Cúram system. This service equates to the Register Person business process currently available in the Cúram system. In addition it can operate off a list to allow for registration of more than one client in a single web service call. This will optimize performance as it prevents the overhead involved in calling the service multiple times.

When this service is complete, the person details will be stored in the Cúram system for later reference and use by subsequent services. For example, the person record may be referenced by the Claim Intake service, to allow a product delivery case to be created in the Cúram system against a previously registered person. Person details may be used by the Determination web service.

Certain data items are mandatory as part of the Register Person business process currently available in the Cúram system, and therefore must also be populated in the web service. Otherwise the web service will require exception handling.