Incoming Parameters

The Create Evidence service equates to the generic Insert Evidence pattern for case evidence in the evidence framework. In addition, it can operate off a list to allow for insertion of multiple evidence records in a single service call.

Following creation of the evidence record(s) in the Cúram system, they will be activated immediately without initiating evidence approvals. If the activation cannot successfully complete, for example if the evidence must be verified, then the evidence record will be left in an in-edit status. In-edit evidence records can be verified at a later date using the Activate Evidence service when any issues are resolved and the evidence is verified.

The parameters are used to populate the internal struct: Cú

Table 1. Minimum Requirements
Intake Element Map to Parameter Schema Type
caseID caseID sem:caseIdentifier
evidenceType evidenceType sem:codetablecode
receivedDate receivedDate sem:date
effectiveDate effectiveDate sem:date
dataObjects see below see below

Each Evidence Create schema has an object structure defined for the incoming data. The dataObjects structure is:

<dataItem name="{data item name}"
Note: DataItem to struct mapping controls all data type conversions and checks.