Evidence Generator

For generated evidence, the business object tab, and its associated pages will be created automatically, along with all required resolve scripts, so no manual configuration is required.

The following tab pages will be generated for each type:

<Entity Name>Object.tab
Main Tab Description page
<Entity Name>Object.nav
Describes the navigation tabs for the generated main tab.
<Entity Name>Object.properties
Localised properties for navigation tab titles etc
<Entity Name>ObjectMenu.mnu
Main tab level actions menu.
<Entity Name>ObjectMenu.properties
Localised properties for the actions menu.

Additionally, the following UIM pages will be generated for each type:

<product.prefix>_view<Entity Name>EvidenceObject.uim
Main tab home page
<product.prefix>_view<Entity Name>EvidenceObject_content.vim
Content for the main tab home page.
<product.prefix>_view<Entity Name>EvidenceObjectCH.uim
Change History of the evidence object.
<product.prefix>_list<Entity Name>EvidenceObjIssues.uim
List of issues for the evidence object.
<product.prefix>_list<Entity Name>EvidenceObjVerifications.uim
List of verifications for the evidence object.
<product.prefix>_list<Related Entity Name>EvidenceFor<>Obj.uim
List of objects of type <Related Entity Name> that are related to this object.