Wizard Screen Description Keys

The following static properties are used as default, helpful text descriptions to users on the generated create wizard select screens.

The cluster for selecting a core employment record uses a simple text property, whereas the cluster for selecting a parent or pre association record uses a seperate starting and ending property, combined with a comma delimited list of the possible types being listed. For Example

For example, if the list contained records of type Paid Employment and Self Employment, the constructed description text would be as follows:

<Wizard.SelectEvidence.Description.Start> Paid Employment,
    Self Employment <Wizard.SelectEvidence.Description.End>
Table 1. Static Page Title Keys



Wizard.SelectEmployment.Description Text description for the core Employment object list cluster on the generated create wizard pages.
Wizard.SelectEvidence.Description.Start Start of the text description for the select evidence object cluster
Wizard.SelectEvidence.Description.End Start of the text description for the select evidence object cluster