Page Title Keys

The following static page titles are used in various pages created by the generator.

Table 1. Static Page Title Keys



InPageNav.Label.Evidence Title for the main list page of a generated evidence type workspace used within the evidenceFlow page.
InPageNav.Label.Verifications Title for the verifications page of a generated evidence type workspace used within the evidenceFlow page.
InPageNav.Label.Issues Title for the issues page of a generated evidence type workspace used within the evidenceFlow page.
Page.Title.NewEvidenceWizard Page title for all generated create wizard pages.
Wizard.Text.SelectEmployment Text for the wizard screen where a core Employment object is selected
Wizard.Title.SelectEmployment Title for the wizard screen where a core Employment object is selected
Wizard.Text.SelectEvidence Text for the wizard screen where a parent or pre associated Evidence object is selected
Wizard.Title.SelectEvidence Title for the wizard screen where a parent or pre associated Evidence object is selected