Action Control Label Keys

The following table shows the static Action Control properties and their associated descriptions required in the file.

Each property can have an associated help property specified, by simply creating another property of the same name but with .Help appended.

Table 1. Static Action Control Property Keys.

This table describes the property keys for generic static Action Control Label properties.



ActionControl.Label.Cancel Button label used on multiple pages to cancel the action within that context.
ActionControl.Label.Close Button label used on multiple pages to close the dialog.
ActionControl.Label.Save Button label used in Create and Modify evidence entity pages to save new evidence entity.
ActionControl.Label.View Link label used on to view specific evidence entity.
ActionControl.Label.SaveAndNew Button label used on Create pages to save and add a new entity of this type.
ActionControl.Label.Search Button Label used for a Search button on various pages.
ActionControl.Label.Yes Button label for a Yes button.
ActionControl.Label.No Button label for a No button.
ActionControl.Label.New Button label for a New button.
ActionControl.Label.Details In Page Navigation link used on the view modal pages for an entity
ActionControl.Label.History In Page Navigation link used on the view correction history modal pages for an entity
ActionControl.Label.Back Label for a Back button, used on generated wizard screens
ActionControl.Label.Next Label for a Next button, used on generated wizard screens
ActionControl.Label.Finish Label for a Finish button, used on generated wizard screens