Properties Explained

The following section provides a list of all the properties that can be set and what they are for

Table 1. Properties Explained

Property Key

Description Defaults to false. Must be set to true to build or clean evidence for this product. Otherwise, the Evidence Generator will ignore evidence for this product. Insert the product name here. It is used to specify where all generated files are output to.
product.ejb.package Code package name used for all impl layer directories in the product for which evidence is being generated.
product.prefix The prefix is prepended to the name of all generated UIM pages and certain generated classes, such as the façade
product.appendAltID Flag to determine whether the primary alternate ID is appended to all Case Participant names (on generated evidence screens). Defaults to false.
product.component.root Root directory specifying where generated server files are copied to. Root directory specifying where all temp generated output is copied. Location for individual products properties file (which contains all product building config information). This must end with an 'evidence' directory.
properties.home Product properties directory. Contains properties files and localized values for product wide client screen label values.
product.webclient Root directory specifying where generated client pages are output to.
server.evidence Location of EvidenceEntities.xml output used for server-side and infrastructure generation.
casetype.product.evidence Name and location of EvidenceEntities.xml output for caseType ’Product’ used for client-side Product Delivery evidence screen generation.
casetype.integratedCase.evidence Name and location of EvidenceEntities.xml output for caseType ’Integrated Case’ used for client-side Integrated Case evidence screen generation.
server.metadata Location of server XML files which describe the entity's relationships, function creation as well as infrastructure generation.
caseType.integratedCase.metadata Location of EUIM files used for EvidenceEntities.xml generation used for client-side Integrated Case evidence screen generation.
caseType.product.metadata Location of EUIM files used for EvidenceEntities.xml generation used for client-side Product Delivery evidence screen generation.