CaseParticipant Node

The CaseParticipant node contains additional information about the field relating to Case Participant information that is stored in the field.

Table 1. CaseParticipant Node Attributes
Attribute Mandatory Possible Values Description
create No Yes / No Determines whether a Case Participant is to be created.
name No Any sensible String value. The name refers to how the associated attribute has been named. For example, the attribute may be named 'empCaseParticipantRoleID', in this instance the name attribute must have a value of 'emp'.
readOnly No Yes / No Determines whether the Case Participant is 'read only'.
nsStruct No Yes / No When searching for a previously registered participant on the system, the default is to search for the Person type. In order to search for other types, this should be set to Yes and the developer should model their own struct with the same structure as CaseParticipantDetails. and aggregate this instead. A further attribute called participantType should be added, that links to a codetable of participant types that should be searchable. This will then give the end user a drop down list of participant types beside the search button, and the correct search dialog will appear based on the type selected from this list.
singleNameField No Yes / No This attribute is used when a newly registered participant for this field should only have one name rather than a first and second name e.g. if registering a School.