Field Node

The Field node contains information about the attributes of a particular field on the screen.

Table 1. Field Node Attributes
Attribute Mandatory Possible Values Description
columnName Yes A valid attribute name. The entity attribute name, as it appears on the database.
label No Any valid entry from the associated properties file This attribute maps directly to the UIM field label attribute.
modify No Yes / No / Many By default a field is modifiable on the entity's modify screen. By setting this attribute to No, the field will be read-only on the modify screen.

Case Participant fields are slightly different as they are typically not modifiable. By setting this attribute to Yes, it will be possible to leave it blank on the create and to set it once on the modify screen. After it has been entered once, it will be read-only on the modify screen. Alternatively, by setting this attribute to Many, it will be possible to overwrite it many times on the modify screen.

use_default No true / false If specified, maps directly to the UIM field USE_DEFAULT attribute
use_blank No true / false If specified, maps directly to the UIM field USE_BLANK attribute
notOnEntity No Yes / No If set to Yes this attribute indicates that the field is not directly mapped to an entity field. Teh default is No
metatype No Any metatype recognized by the Evidence Generator (please see the appendix for a complete listing) The metatype is a way of specifying additional information about an attribute, and how it should be formatted.
mandatory No Yes / No Determines whether the mandatory indicator should be set on the field in the create and modify screens. The default is No