Field Labels

The following table shows the Field Label properties and their associated descriptions required in the file.

Each property can have an associated help property specified, by simply creating another property of the same name but with .Help appended.

Table 1. Field Label Keys.

This table describes the property keys for generated Field Label properties.

Property Key


Field.StaticText.CancelEmployment Confirmation Text for removing an Employment
Field.Label.Primary Label for the field indicating if this is a primary employment or not.
Field.Label.Occupation Label for the field specifying the occupation associated with the employment.
Field.Label.Employer Label for the field specifying the name of the employer.
Field.Label.From Label for the field specifying the start date of the employment.
Field.Label.To Label for the field specifying the end date of the employment.
Container.Label.Action Label for the Action container field on generated pages.