Generator Inputs

The following are the list of resources used by the generator as input data.
This is a resource for configuring the Evidence Generator and contains all the product/component specific properties such as naming conventions, directory locations and product-wide settings. Some of these properties are also passed onto the generation itself. These properties are defined once per product. and
These resources are for generating the client screens. They contain generic text labels that are used on many client screens as well as descriptions of these fields are used in the application online help. These properties are defined once per product.
Server Metadata File(e.g. Expenses.xml)
This defines your entities name and it's relationships to other evidence entities.
Client Metadata File(e.g. Expenses.euim)
This defines the client screens used to maintain your evidence entity.
Client Properties File(e.g.
This is required by your EUIM file and defines the text labels that are used, as well as descriptions of these fields used for the application online help.
and a modeled entity.