Asset Entity and Aggregations

The Asset entity has the following attributes:

It has been decided that the screens for maintaining the Expense entity should display the employer of the case participant the record is associated with. This information is not stored on the Expense entity, it is only displayed on the screens where it is deemed useful to the caseworker as they maintain the Expense information.

With this information it has been decided that the Expense entity should have the attributes listed below (with their associated domain definition):

The primary key of the entity must be called 'evidenceID' as the generator expects this. All other attributes may be named as required. Optimistic locking is enabled on the entity. The entity should have the standard read, insert and modify operations generated automatically.

There are a number of conventions outlined in the Cúram Evidence Generator Modeling Guide that must be adhered to. These include the naming of structs and aggregations required for each entity, as well as multiplicities for the aggregations and code packages matching the product.ejb.package property.