Step 2: Create and Configure Evidence Properties File

Create an file. This file is used to configure various mandatory product parameters including locations of input files such as EUIMs and locations of output files such as generated UIMs.

The location of the is important. This must be located within a directory called evidence, however this directory may be located anywhere within your component. For convenience the following location is suggested:

The developer is then free to specify within this properties file the location of the remaining mandatory files in arbitrary locations. Again, for convenience, sub-directories under the evidence directory would be the logical choice.

The following is a sample of the product parameters required. For the complete list see Cúram Evidence Generator Specification - Appendix A

This setting would result in the generated evidence files being copied to../components/SampleEGProduct.


Following on from the product name in the previous example, the code package name here could be seg, so generated classes would have a package structure like curam.seg.evidence

It should be noted that setting this property to evidence will result in a generated package structure of curam.evidence and not curam.evidence.evidence


The prefix is prepended to the name of all generated UIM pages and certain generated classes, such as the façade. In this case the façade class generated would be SEGEvidenceMaintenance

The root directory for client product is located at webclient/components/SampleEGProduct.
Note: ${webclient.dir} is a property that is set in the Evidence Generator itself and points to the webclient/components directory. The user is free to use it or not.