Integration of Participant Data as Evidence

Participant Evidence Integration is available out of the box but, like evidence, it requires a certain amount of configuration. If the configuration is not carried out, then all newly integrated Participant evidence will not integrate with the Evidence API. It will, however, continue to function as it always has. Once configured, the Participant evidence will be linked to one or more cases via an Evidence Descriptor. As in the case of classic evidence, the Evidence Descriptor can be associated with either an Integrated Case or a Product Delivery.

The required configuration links the Participant evidence types to the Integrated Case(s) or Product(s) that will use them. Such data is stored on the AdminICEvidenceLink and ProductEvidenceLink respectively. Participant data that will be stored at the Integrated Case level needs to be configured on the AdminICEvidenceLink entity whereas Participant evidence that will be used by a Product needs to be configured on the ProductEvidenceLink entity.