Evidence Registrar Module

Google Guice dependency injection should be used in order to register the different evidence types and their implementations. This can be done by writing a new module class, or adding to a pre existing one. Once this is added to the ModuleCalssName table, then at runtime it will be loaded and the evidence types registered.


 * Copyright 2011 Cúram Software Ltd.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This software is the confidential and proprietary information 
 * of Cúram Software, Ltd. ("Confidential Information").  You 
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 * you entered into with Cúram Software.
package curam.seg.evidence.service.impl;
import curam.codetable.CASEEVIDENCE;
import com.google.inject.AbstractModule;
import curam.core.impl.FactoryMethodHelper;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import com.google.inject.multibindings.MapBinder;
import curam.core.impl.RegistrarImpl;
import curam.core.impl.Registrar.RegistrarType;

 * A module class which provides registration for all of the 
 * evidence hook implementations.
public class SEGRegistrarModule extends AbstractModule {

  public void configure() {
    // Register all hook implementations which implement the 
    // interface EvidenceInterface.
    MapBinder<String, Method> evidenceInterfaceMapBinder =
      MapBinder.newMapBinder(binder(), String.class, 
        Method.class, new RegistrarImpl(RegistrarType.EVIDENCE));