Evidence Interface

The Evidence Interface and its associated methods are shown below with the appropriate javadoc comments:

  * Copyright 2005-2007 Curam Software Ltd. 
  * All rights reserved. 
  * This software is the confidential and proprietary 
  * information of Curam  Software, Ltd. ("Confidential 
  * Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential 
  * Information and shall use it only in accordance with the 
  * terms of the license agreement you entered into with 
  * Curam Software. 

 package curam.core.sl.infrastructure.impl; 

 import curam.core.sl.infrastructure.struct
 import curam.core.struct.CaseHeaderKey; 
 import curam.util.exception.AppException;
 import curam.util.exception.InformationalException;

  * This interface extends the StandardEvidenceInterface,
  * therefore any class that implements EvidenceInterface 
  * must provide its own implementations of the methods 
  * defined in the standard interface. Any methods specific 
  * to "classic" (i.e. not participant) evidence are to be 
  * defined in this interface. 
 public interface EvidenceInterface
   extends StandardEvidenceInterface {

  // ____________________________________________________________
   * Transfers evidence from one case to another.
   * @param details
   *          Contains the evidenceID / evidenceType pairings of
   *          the evidence to be transferred and the transferred
   * @param fromCaseKey
   *          The case from which the evidence is being 
   *          transferred
   * @param toCaseKey
   *          The case to which the evidence is being 
   *          transferred
  void transferEvidence(EvidenceTransferDetails details,
    CaseHeaderKey fromCaseKey, CaseHeaderKey toCaseKey) 
      throws AppException, InformationalException;