External APIs

External APIs can be referenced directly by customer projects. Such APIs are annotated with @Accesslevel(EXTERNAL). Javadoc is provided for all External APIs on a per component basis, and this can be found at EJBServer\components\<component name>\doc\api.zip. Note that some components may not have any Javadoc as they have no External APIs. Only classes that are documented in JavaDoc should be referenced from customer code; referencing other classes will produce discouraged warnings or access restricted errors and are not supported.

Note also that, as with all APIs, it is expected that those marked as External will evolve over time (while remaining backward compatible). If you have a requirement which you feel cannot be fulfilled through a combination of the use of External APIs and allowed extension mechanisms, you should raise these through Support. If appropriate, a new API, customization hook, strategy pattern or configuration-based approach will be made available, and such new APIs can be delivered in Feature Packs. Alternatively, an existing Internal API may in some circumstances be redesignated as External if appropriate.