Pre-compiling JSPs

There is one additional target available during deployment, precompilejsp, which allows for the JSPs of a client .ear to be pre-compiled before installing the .ear file. Pre-compiling the JSPs before installation will speed up the display of a particular page in the web browser the first time it is accessed.

The options for the precompilejsp target are:

Figure 1. Example of Usage precompilejsp -Dear.file=$SERVER_DIR/ear/WAS/Curam.ear
Note: This is a long running activity and depending upon the capabilities of your system, etc. could take several hours. Ensure your task is not significantly restricted with respect to available CPU time and that there is adequate free space available in the $CURAMSDEJ file system.

Also while running the precompilejsp target for WebSphere Application Server for z/OS, an out of memory exception may occur (or some JSPs may silently be ignored and not pre-compiled). To work around this the script in the $WAS_HOME/bin directory should be modified to increase the maximum memory size. Change the memory consumption from-Xmx256m to at least-Xmx1024m.