Synchronizing Changes

If you are operating in a Network Deployment environment it is strongly recommended that you ensure WebSphere Application Server for z/OS synchronizes its configuration after each Administration Console change or Ant target.

When saving the master configuration ensure you manually force synchronization via the Administration Console:

  1. Navigate to System Administration > Save Changes to Master Repository;
  2. Check the Synchronize changes with Nodes check box;
  3. Click the Save button. The synchronization may take some time;
  4. Check the system and/or WebSphere Application Server for z/OS logs for synchronization completion. These messages may vary by WebSphere Application Server for z/OS release, but you are looking for something like:
    ADMS0208I: The configuration synchronization complete for cell.

    Once synchronization is complete, review the server status and various WebSphere Application Server for z/OS logs to ensure success;