
The IBM Cognos 10 service may need more time to start. You do this by configuring the ServiceWaitInterval and ServiceMaxTries properties in the c10_location/configuration/cogconfig.prefs file. The ServiceWaitInterval property represents the time interval, in milliseconds, at which Cognos Configuration checks the progress of the start request. By default, its value is 500, which is equivalent to half a second. The ServiceMaxTries property represents the number of times that Cognos Configuration checks the progress of the start request. By default, its value is 360.

Open the c10_location/configuration/cogconfig.prefs file in an editor. This file is created automatically the first time you open Cognos Configuration.

Add the following code to the file: ServiceWaitInterval=number of milliseconds ServiceMaxTries=number of times Add the numeric values that correspond to your configuration needs.

Save the file. Using Cognos Configuration, start the IBM Cognos 10 service.