Chunker Entry-point

The process method described in the example above needs to complete a few steps in order to initialize and start the chunker.

  1. Call batchStreamHelper.setStartTime() to start the run timer for the program.
  2. Set the instanceID, in general this should be based on a hard coded entry in the Batch Process Name code table. However, making this value dynamic can allow more than one instance of the batch program to be run concurrently, see Running Multiple Instances of the Same Batch Program.
  3. Extract IDs of processing units, see Extracting Processing Units IDs for the Chunker for more details.
  4. Set the batch main parameters, see Configuring the Chunker for more details.
  5. Call batchStreamHelper.runChunkMain to start the chunker processing. This method will exit when all the processing for the chunker has completed. Typically this method just returns at this point, allowing the chunker process to exit. However, by restarting from step one above another chunker instance could be run in the same process after the first chunker has completed, see Running Multiple Chunker Processes in a Single Instance.