Gradual Migration

Organizations that are already using the Cúram application and storing files in the application database can enable CMIS integration without performing an upfront migration of the content in the CMS repository. All of the documents stored in the Cúram application database will remain there and be fully accessible. Documents will only be saved to the CMS after any changes are made to a document or after a new document is created. After a document has been saved to the CMS, it will also be removed from the application database.

Important: Once CMIS is enabled, it should not be disabled because the documents stored on the CMS would no longer be accessible from within the application.

Custom CMIS Attachment integration points that read or modify content will need to be created or updated. The integration points that read will need to be updated to check whether the content exists on the CMS. The modify integration points will need to be updated according to the following pseudocode logic.

Figure 1. Pseudocode for Modify Integration Points
if CMIS is enabled {
  if content exists on the CMS for the record in question {
    modify the contents on the content management system
  } else {
    create the contents on the content management system
    blank the application database copy (optional)
} else CMIS is not enabled {
  maintain the database copy    
Note: Custom Pro Forma Communication integration points are not affected.