




The process of applying the content of a Change Set stored in the Destination System Release Area to the Destination System live database; making the Change Set content "live".

Child Entity

All other entities in the Business Object Type, excluding the Initial Entity and the Relative Entities are Child Entities.

Destination System

The system installation on which a Change Set is applied.


The data-container objects that make up a Business Object.

Initial Entity

The root entity of a Business Object Type. It is possible to identify the other entities in the Business Object Type from this root entity.

Relative Entity

A Relative Entity is defined in the context of a Child Entity. A Relative Entity refers to an entity whose information needs to be upserted/deleted before processing a Child Entity. This is to ensure that foreign-key constraints in the database for the Child Entity are honored.


The process of capturing the data as defined in a Change Set Definition from the live Source System database, and placement of the data in the Source System Release Area.

Source System

The system installation where a Change Set originates. That is, the system from which the Change Set is released.

System Landscape

A set of systems between which data will be transported using CTM. Generally, each system in the landscape has a defined role - e.g. Development, UAT, Production.


The process of copying a Change Set from the Source System Release Area to the Destination System Release Area.


An Upsert is an operation to merge an entity instance into the database. It updates the entity with new data if the entity already exists in the database. If the entity does not exist, it inserts the entity.