Identifying the Configuration Entities

The aim of CTM is to transport configuration data. Therefore, the development group must be able to identify all of the entities that constitute configuration information in an application. Because CTM is not designed to support runtime data, caution has to be exercised in order to ensure that the configuration entities don't have dependencies upon runtime entities. That is, as part of the analysis, the configuration entities have to be checked to ensure that there are no foreign key constraints or any form of soft dependent relationship on runtime entities. If any such cases are encountered, then the recommendation is to refactor the entity design so that separate entities are used for configuration and runtime purposes. That is, one set of entities to hold only configuration data and the other set of entities to hold the runtime data. Note that the runtime entities can depend on configuration data, but the reverse is not possible. Returning to the example PIM application, all of the entities that make up the Folder and User screens are configuration information.