Resource Message

The Resource Message element provides a graphical representation of the 'ResourceMessage' expression and creates a localizable message from a property resource. The Resource Message element can be added to other palette elements, for example, When or Create. No element can be added to the Resource Message element.


The following table lists specific properties items for this element:

Table 1. Resource Message properties items
Name Description
Key Resource Bundle objects contain an array of key-value pairs. You specify the key, which must be a String, when you want to retrieve the value from the Resource Bundle. This is visible in the Business Tab.
Resource Bundle The name of the resource bundle. This is visible in the Business Tab.

Pop-up menu:

The following table lists specific pop-up menu items for this element:

Table 2. Resource Message Pop-up Menus items
Name Description
New Argument Add a new argument to the resource message rule element.
Remove Argument Remove an argument from the resource message rule element.