Fixed List

The Fixed List element provides a graphical representation of the 'fixedlist' expression and creates a new list from items known at rule set design time. The Fixed List wizard provides nine data types that are String, Number, Boolean, Date, Date time, Codetable Entry, Rule Class, Java Class and Message. The sub-list function is provided. Other palette elements, for example, Rule Reference, Repeating Rule or Choose can be added to the empty member of the Fixed List element. The Fixed List element can be added to other palette elements, for example, And Rule Group, Or Rule Group or When. The fixed list element will be wrapped by other rule element depending on which data type is selected. For example, And Rule Group/Or Rule Group rule elements for the boolean type, Concat rule element for the string type, Max/Min/Sum rule elements for the number type.

The following table lists specific properties items for this element:

Table 1. FixedList properties items
Name Description
Data Type The data type of the fixedlist. This should correspond to the data type of the attribute. If the user wishes to change the data type into a Timeline, check the Timeline box. If the user wishes to change the data type to a list, check the list box. This is visible in the Business Tab.