
Calculates all the sublists of the list supplied, and returns these sublists as a list of lists.

For a list containing n elements, there are 2 n sublists, including the empty list and the original list.

The order of the list items in each of the sublists will be identical to the ordering in the original list.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<RuleSet name="Example_sublists"
  <Class name="Household">

    <Attribute name="members">
        <javaclass name="List">
          <ruleclass name="Person"/>
            <ruleclass name="Person"/>
            <create ruleclass="Person">
              <String value="Mother"/>
            <create ruleclass="Person">
              <String value="Father"/>
            <create ruleclass="Person">
              <String value="Child"/>

    <!-- All the different combinations of members of the household
    <Attribute name="memberCombinations">
      <!-- Note that the type is list of lists of Persons -->
        <javaclass name="List">
          <javaclass name="List">
            <ruleclass name="Person"/>
          <reference attribute="members"/>


  <Class name="Person">

      <Attribute name="name">
          <javaclass name="String"/>



In this example rule set, the value of memberCombinations is calculated as list of these 8 lists: