Rule Set

A Rule Set specifies its name and contains any number of rule Class es and/or Include statements. Optionally the RuleSet may contain Annotations.

The XML structure of a rule set and its elements is constrained by the CER RuleSet.xsd schema. This schema is dynamically constructed, so that extensions to CER can contribute expressions and annotations to the schema.

Here is a sample outline of a rule set:

- RuleSet
  - Annotations (optional)
  - Include
  - Include
  -... more Include statements
  - Class
    - Annotations (optional)
  - Initialization (optional)
      - Attribute
        - Annotations (optional)
      - type
      - Attribute
        - type
      -... more initialized attributes
    - Attribute
      - Annotations (optional)
    - type
      - derivation
        - (expression)
          - Annotations (optional)
          - (sub-expression)
    - Attribute
      - type
      - derivation
      -... more calculated attributes
  -... more rule classes