Naming Rule Elements

CER rule attributes should be named to describe their business meaning. Name a rule attribute in line with the result it provides, rather than describing how the rule attribute provides it.

A rule set name can take a combination of letters (unaccented, in the standard A-Z character range), numbers and under scores. A rule set name should start with an upper case letter.

A class name can take a combination of letters (unaccented, in the standard A-Z character range), numbers and under scores. A class name should start with an upper case letter.

An attribute name can take a combination of letters (unaccented, in the standard A-Z character range), numbers and under scores. An attribute name should start with a lower case letter.

Tip: Use "camelCase" to name your rule elements.

camelCase is the practice of writing compound words or phrases in which the elements are joined without spaces, with each elements initial letter capitalized within the compound and the first letter is either upper or lower case.

Note: Each rule element has a single name which cannot be localized. For localizable descriptions, use the "Label" annotation, as described in Localization of CER rule artefact descriptions.