Examples of non-timeline data

Before going on to look at timelines in more detail, a cautionary note about data that tends not to be suitable for timelines.

Certain types of data are not suited to timelines, as the data does not vary over time. Common examples include:

It is very important when modeling data to be clear about whether the data item does indeed vary over time. Only use Timeline for data items where the value can vary over time.
1 In Cúram, certain pieces of data, such as Evidence, may have two kinds of history stored:

As such, for data items of type Date, the data may be corrected in the system, but never succeeded. Thus there may be a correction history for the data item, but this correction history (i.e. the dates on which the data item was created) is rarely of interest when creating CER rules.

Typically, data types used in CER rules should model real-world circumstances, rather than corrections to the system representation. Use Timeline where those real-world circumstances can change over time; and do not use Timeline where the real-world data cannot vary over time.