Rule Element Wizards

Change Rule Set and Rule Class Wizard:

this wizard is used by some rule elements (for example, Rule, Create rule element) to link to other rule class of either current rule set or external rule set. The three available options in this wizard are:

Table 1. Rule Element Wizard Table
Name Description
Create an Empty Rule Reference This allows the rules writer to create a placeholder for a Rule element which can edited at a later point whilst developing the rule.
Create New Rule This allows the rules writer to create a new rule by specifying the name of the rule and the result type of the new rule from the drop-down combo box.
Use Existing Rule This allows the rules writer to choose from an already created rule by selecting the Rule from the drop-down combo box. If the rule is not contained in the existing rule the rules writer can select another ruleset by entering the name of the ruleset and hitting the search button. This will open another dialog box allowing the rules writer to choose the appropriate Rule Set.