Properties for Rule class

Table 1. Rule Class Properties
Name Description
Primary Attribute Select an attribute from a drop-down to be a primary attribute of this rule class. This is visible in the Business Tab.
Abstract The class will be an abstract class if this property is selected. This is visible in the Business Tab.
Extends Users can extend this rule class from other rule class that either belongs to the current or external rule set by the Change Rule Set and Rule Class Wizard. This is visible in the Business Tab.
Class The name of the rule Class. This is visible in the Technical Tab.
SuccessionSet The SuccessionSet annotation will be added if this property is selected. Users need to select date attributes from both "Start Date Attribute" and "End Date Attribute" drop-downs. This is visible in the Technical Tab.
ActiveInEditSuccessionSet The ActiveInEditSuccessionSet annotation will be added if this property is selected. Users need to select date attributes from both "Start Date Attribute" and "End Date Attribute" drop-downs. This is visible in the Technical Tab.