Business Palettes

The Business palettes, both the default and extended include a range of rule elements that can be used to design the business logic in the diagram form.

Table 1. Rule Elements on Business Palettes
Image Name Description
This image displays the reference element. Rule The Rule element provides a graphical representation of the 'reference' expression. See Rule.
This image displays the and element. And Rule Group The And Rule Group element provides a graphical representation of the 'all' expression and returns a Boolean value. See And Rule Group.
This image displays the or element. Or Rule Group The Or Rule Group element provides a graphical representation of the 'any' expression and returns a Boolean value. See Or Rule Group.
This image displays the not element. Not The Not element provides a graphical representation of the 'not' expression and negate a Boolean value. See Not.
This image displays the choose element. Choose The Choose element provides a graphical representation of the 'choose' expression and chooses a value based on a condition being met. See Choose.
This image displays the compare element. Compare The Compare element provides a graphical representation of the 'compare' expression and compares a left-hand-side value with a right-hand-side value, according to the comparison provided. See Compare.
This image displays the when element. When The When element is part of the Choose element and contains a condition to test, and a value to return if the condition passes. See When.
This image displays the arithmetic element. Arithmetic The Arithmetic element provides a graphical representation of the 'arithmetic' expression and performs an arithmetical calculation on two numbers (a left-hand-side number and a right-hand-side number) and optionally rounds the result to the specified number of decimal places. See Arithmetic.
This image displays the min element. MIN The Min element provides a graphical representation of the 'min' expression and determines the smallest value in a list (or null if the list is empty). See MIN.
This image displays the max element. MAX The Max element provides a graphical representation of the 'max' expression and determines the largest value in a list (or null if the list is empty). See MAX.
This image displays the sum element. Sum The SUM element provides a graphical representation of the 'sum' expression and calculates the numerical sum of a list of Number values. See SUM.
This image displays the repeating rule element. Repeating Rule The Repeating Rule element provides a graphical representation of the 'dynamiclist' expression and creates a new list by evaluating an expression on each item in an existing list. See Repeating Rule.
This image displays the filter element. Filter The Filter element provides a graphical representation of the 'filter' expression and creates a new list containing all the items in an existing list which meet the filter condition. See Filter.
This image displays the size element. Size The Size element provides a graphical representation of the 'property' expression and the name of the property is set to 'size'. See Size.
This image displays the otherwise element. Otherwise The Otherwise element is part of the Choose element and contains a value to return. See Otherwise.
This image displays the legislation change element. Legislation Change The Legislation Change element provides a graphic representation of the 'legislationchange' and can contain more than one Era element. See Legislation Change.
This image displays the era element. Era The Era element is a part of the Legislation Change elements and contains a date entry (empty from), and a value to return to the Legislation Change element. See Era.