Editing Records in Lists

The edit-link element can also be added to a list in much the same way as for a cluster, except this time it will result in an edit link per row in the list.

Typically the start and end pages specified for an edit link in a list will relate to pages within the loop used to capture the information displayed in the list. If so, then the user will be taken to the iteration of that loop used to capture this particular record and with all the information previously captured filled in. The loop will progress through to the end page, if specified.

As with the Edit link on clusters, what happens next depends on what the user changes and whether it has an impact on the flow of the script thereafter. If the user makes a change to an answer which is used in a condition or expression further on in the script, then the Next button will behave as if it were the first time through the loop: the user will be taken through all the subsequent pages. Otherwise they will be taken straight back to the summary page.