Configuring Timers

Many organizations impose time limits within which an application for a program must be processed. For example, a government agency may have a requirement that food assistance applications must be authorized within 30 business days of the date of application. Cúram provides organizations with the ability to configure application timers for each program. A number of configuration options are available, including the duration of the timer, whether the timer is based on business or calendar days, a warning period, and timer extension and approval. All configuration options are outlined below.

The length of the timer in days. This value, along with the fields 'Start Date' and 'Use Business Days' (and the configured business hours for the organization) will be used to calculate the expiry date for the timer. This value will be used as a number of business days if 'Use Business Days' is set. If 'Use Business Days' is not set this value will be used as calendar days.
Start Date
Specifies whether the timer should start on the application date or the program addition date. The options available are 'Application Date' and 'Program Addition Date'. Note that in most cases these dates will be the same (the programs will be added at the same time as the application is made) but when a program is subsequently added to the application, after initial submission, this may not be the case.
Warning Days
Allows for the specification of a number of warning days. The warning days are used to warn the user that the timer deadline is approaching. If configured, the Warning Reached workflow will also be enacted when the warning date is reached and the timer is still running (i.e. the program has not been completed).
End Date Extension Allowed
An indicator to dictate if a user can extend the timer by a number of days.
Extension Approval Required
An indicator to dictate if a timer extension requires approval from a supervisor. If approval is required for the extension, the case supervisor must review and either approve or reject the extension. Once the extension is approved, or if approval is not required, the timer expiry date is updated to reflect the extension.
Use Business Days
An indicator to dictate that the timer should not decrement over non-working days. If this is set, the system uses the Working Pattern Hours for the organization to determine the non-working days when calculating the expiry date for the timer.
Resume Timer
An indicator to dictate whether the program timer should be resumed when the program is reopened.
Resume From
If a timer is resumed the Resume From field dictates the dates from which a program can be resumed. The values include the date the program was completed (denied or withdrawn), and the date that the program was reopened.
Timer Start
Allows for the specification of a workflow that is enacted when the timer starts.
Warning Reached
Allows for the specification of a workflow that is enacted when the warning period is reached.
Deadline Not Achieved
Allows for the specification of a workflow that is enacted if the timer deadline is not achieved i.e. the program has not been withdrawn, denied or approved by the timer expiry date.