Viewing Assessment Results

The assessment results are automatically displayed when the assessment script is completed. Depending on how the assessment is configured in application administration, the assessment results are either displayed in a list or as a graph. For both graphed and listed assessment results, the following information is displayed for each client who answered questions in the assessment: the name of the client who was assessed, the factor across which the client was assessed, e.g., Cultural Identity, the classification achieved by the client, e.g., Need, Strength, and the score obtained by the client, e.g., -1.

If the results are displayed in a list format the result of each factor assessed is displayed in a list. If the results are displayed in a graphical format, a list of results is also displayed and this list can be displayed by classification i.e. all factors where the client has been classified as having a need are listed in one cluster and all factors where the client has been classified as having a strength are listed in another cluster.

Alternatively, one list which contains all factors can be displayed. If the results are displayed in graphical format, two types of graph are provided - a bar chart and a radar chart. The type of graph displayed by default is configured in assessment administration, however a case worker can also switch between the two types of graph if required.