Completing Assessment Questionnaires

Once the clients and roles have been selected for the assessment, the second step in running the assessment is to capture information about the client's situation. The information is captured using a predefined question script that are specific to the type of assessment being run. The question scripts are created using IEG. With IEG, information is gathered interactively by displaying a script of questions that a case worker can provide answers to.

Depending on the how the assessment has been configured, questions can be asked of all clients being assessed or a subset of clients. For example, in the Caregiver Strength and Needs Assessment questions are asked of the primary caregiver and the secondary caregiver but not of the focus child. Additionally an assessment may be configured to assess a group of clients and as such one set of questions is asked of the entire group, for example, a Risk Assessment assesses a group of clients.

The Caregiver Strength and Needs (CSN) assessment is used to determine a caregiver's strengths and needs across one or more factors. Answers are recorded for the first client in the group across a number of factors such as substance abuse, domestic violence, social support system. On completing the answers for this client, the same questions are asked of the second client in the group. Help text is available for each question by expanding the Help icons.

The assessment is executed when all of the questions have been answered. When all of the answers have been completed, clicking the Next button executes the assessment.

The assessment answers are then applied to either a CDA decision matrix or a CER rule set to produce a set of assessment results. The decision to use either CDA or CER to determine the results depends on the complexity of the assessment.

For more information on choosing CDA or CER to determine the assessment results, see the Cúram Outcome Management Configuration Guide.