Identifying Additional Client Needs

Although assessments described above do lead to the identification of many of a client's needs, there are some instances where a client is assessed for a factor but this does not form part of an assessment with other factors. For example, General Education Diploma (GED) assessments. Outcome Management allows for the definition of these additional factors in application administration, the addition of these factors to an outcome plan and for the subsequent recording of the result.

There may also be instances where only general interaction between the case worker and the client can lead to the identification of all of a client's issues. For example, through constant contact with a client the case worker may be able to identify that a clients health problems may be due to environmental issues if the client lives close to a toxic waste facility.

Standard assessments may not include questions on this area. Outcome Management provides a way for a case worker to record these user identified factors on an outcome plan and as such provide a more complete picture of a clients needs.