Adding Activities To The Outcome Plan

There are two ways to add an activity to an outcome plan. An activity can be added by dragging the activity from the recommendations panel in the activity workspace on to the time line or from the recommendations listing within the outcome plan which opens the appropriate activity creation wizard. The activity is preselected in this case based on the recommended activity selected. Alternatively, a case worker can add a new activity from the activity workspace or the activities listing within the outcome plan. In this case, the case worker must search for and select the activity.

There are a number of common pieces of information that are specified when creating an action, service or referral activity. The table below outlines this information.

Table 1. Common Activity Information
Information Description
Client(s) At least one client must be selected when creating an action, service or referral. Services, referrals and actions can be configured such that they are only appropriate for one client or for multiple clients i.e. If an action, service or referral is configured to be appropriate for one client, the case worker will be prevented from selecting multiple clients for the selected action, service or referral.
Reason The reason for adding an activity to an outcome plan must be specified.
Sensitivity Activities can be secured using sensitivity security. All users are assigned a sensitivity level. By assigning a sensitivity level to activities, only those users whose sensitivity level is equal to or greater than the sensitivity level can access the activity.
Schedule and Check Availability The period during which an activity should take place can be specified for actions and services. A start date must be specified but an end date is optional. A referral date can be specified for referrals and represents the date that the client should meet with the specified provider of the referral service. Once a start date or referral date are specified, functionality is provided to allow a case worker to check a clients availability for the dates specified. Any services, actions, referrals or meetings already scheduled for the dates specified will be displayed to the case worker. This will ensure that the case worker does not schedule activities during periods when the client is involved in other activities. A configuration setting is provided for services and referrals which dictate if they should be returned when checking availability, for example it would not be necessary to include a Mileage Reimbursement as this is not a service that a client attends.
Factors The factors that the selected activity is helping towards can be selected during creation. For example, a case worker can specify that an Alcohol Abuse Day Treatment service is helping towards a clients issues with substance abuse. All factors involving the clients selected for the activity are displayed for selection.
Collaboration To enable collaboration with multidisciplinary team members, a case worker can choose to share activities with the multidisciplinary team members assigned to the outcome plan the activity is being added to. Case workers will only have the option to share activities if the associated outcome plan has been configured to allow for sharing. If sharing is allowed, the multidisciplinary team members with whom activities can be shared are displayed for selection. Multidisciplinary members can be preselected if collaboration configuration dictates it. For more information on configuring multidisciplinary team member collaboration options see the Cúram Social Enterprise Collaboration Guide.