Individual Sponsored Alien

  1. Determine value of the individual's In-kind Support and Maintenance
  2. Total the individual's countable gross unearned income from all other sources and add the value of any In-kind Support and Maintenance (determined above)
  3. Apply unearned income deductions to determine the net unearned income
  4. Total the individual's countable gross earned income from all sources (including self employment income)
  5. Apply earned income deductions to determine the net earned income
  6. The total net countable income is determined by adding the countable net unearned income and the countable net earned income
  7. If the individual is a sponsored alien, determine if they are eligible based on their own income by comparing the total net countable income determined above in Step 6 to the FBR limit for an individual
  8. If the individual is eligible based on their own income, use amount determined in Step 2 and proceed
  9. Carry out the steps outlined in Sponsor to Alien Deeming
  10. Apply unearned income deductions to the alien's countable unearned income to determine the net unearned income
  11. Using the gross earned income (determined in step 4), apply earned income deductions to determine the net earned income
  12. Add the net countable unearned income (determined in Step 10) and the net countable earned income (determined in Step 11) to determine the total net countable income for the eligible alien

Note: If at point 8 above the individual is ineligible based on their own income, the process stops as the individual is not eligible for Medical Assistance.