Total Countable Income

For every individual in the financial unit whose income is counted, carry out the following steps:

  1. Calculate individual's countable gross unearned income from all sources
  2. Add deemable income, if any, to the individual's unearned income. (See Income Deeming below)
  3. Add individual's countable gross unearned income to other household member's countable gross unearned income.
  4. Calculate the individual's countable gross earned income from all sources including income from self employment.
  5. Add individual's countable gross earned income to other household member's countable gross earned income.
  6. If a gross income test is applicable then combine the household's total gross unearned income and the total gross earned income to determine the household's total gross income. (Gross income test only applicable to LIFC.)
  7. Apply income deductions to individual's gross income. (See Income Deductions below)
  8. Add individual's total countable net income to other household member's countable net income after deductions to get the household's net countable income.