Unemployed Parent

  1. The parent is unemployed and has been unemployed for at least 30 days prior to the effective date of assistance AND
  2. The unemployed parent must not have refused, without good cause, a bona fide offer of employment or training for employment within of assistance prior to the effective date of assistance. The following are refusal reasons that constitute good cause:
    1. The parent's physical limitations result in an inability to engage in the work
    2. No transportation to or from the work;
    3. Unsafe working conditions;
    4. The employment is not covered by workman's compensation protection;
    5. The employment was offered through a public employment or manpower agency, which determined good cause existed.
    6. The offered wage was less than minimum wage;
    7. The parent lacked suitable day care;
    8. The parent was personally providing care for a child under the age of 2 at the time of the refusal;
    9. The commuting time to and from work would normally exceed 2 hours, round trip;
    10. The parent could not accept the job due to illness of the parent or another family member;
    11. The offered position was vacant due to a labor strike or lockout;
    12. The parent was incarcerated or making a required court appearance;
    13. Inclement weather prevented the parent from accepting the job or reporting for work; or
    14. The parent was laid off but is expected to return to the prior place of employment within 30 days of the date of the job offer;